11.11 Integrated Development Toolsets
11.11.1 Backend Toolsets
Modern microprocessors, with their enormous increase in complexity, have brought a new set of problems for the embedded systems engineer. A whole battery of tools and techniques – as described throughout this book – are needed to deal with these. The basis for this is the integrated development toolset, usually centered on a PC platform. Bear in mind that such tools are designed mainly to support the later or "backend" development of software:
Figure 11.59: Hardware configuration of a modern integrated development toolset
However, for modern mainstream microcontroller-based development, the toolset is usually much simpler:
Figure 11.60: Microcontroller-oriented integrated development toolset
Modern commercial IDEs provide a whole range of features, including:
- Basic toolchains for embedded languages (C/C++, possibly Ada, and Java)
- Debugger...