Local results
The Local results method is the use of an external source of data stored in a Results section or Table (either a table section or an imported file of data). The local results imply that the data is a stored dataset inside Interactive Reporting and is not an object stored in a database. The local result is a processed dataset and must be updated before the query with the local result added is executed.
Local results are imported into a query by right-clicking the Elements window and selecting the Local Results menu option from the right-click menu. When the menu item is selected, an additional grouping of elements appears called local results. When the elements section is expanded, the section names available appear for use in the query. The sections shown can be dragged-and-dropped into the Query section for inclusion in the query.
Once the local results are added to the query, the object is joined to a table in the document similar to joining a database table by dragging-and...