Solving human problems
At a broad level, we look to automation to solve human problems. A couple of centuries ago, the problem that was urgent was to substitute muscle power with other means for driving machines, vehicles, and so on. The answer was to control the power of steam to provide motive force to drive ships, locomotives, spinning machines, and a variety of such mechanisms.
All animals evolve. They change to suit the environment, the ecosystem that nature provides. Humans have taken a different path, mainly because they are endowed with intellect. They attempt to surround themselves with an environment of their own making, according to their own comfort. However, the devices and gadgets engineered for this purpose have, over a period of time, turned hostile to Mother Nature. As a result of this behavior, some problems that have arisen are pollution, climate change, and, arising from climate change, violent natural disasters. These problems need urgent attention.
The problems...