Chapter 1, Setting Up the Terraform Environment, details the different ways of installing Terraform manually, with scripts, or by using a Docker container, and it also details the Terraform migration configuration process.
Chapter 2, Writing Terraform Configuration, concerns the writing of Terraform configurations for a provider, variables, outputs, external data, built-in functions, condition expressions, file manipulation, and the execution of local programs with Terraform.
Chapter 3, Building Dynamic Environments with Terraform, discusses building dynamic environments with Terraform by going further with Terraform configuration writing using loops, maps, and collections.
Chapter 4, Using the Terraform CLI, explains the use of Terraform's CLI to clean code, destroy resources provisioned by Terraform, use workspaces, import existing resources, generate dependency graphs, and debug the execution of Terraform.
Chapter 5, Sharing Terraform Configuration with Modules, covers the creation, use, and sharing of Terraform modules. It also shows testing module practices and the implementation of CI/CD pipelines for Terraform modules.
Chapter 6, Provisioning Azure Infrastructure with Terraform, illustrates the use of Terraform in a practical scenario of the cloud provider Azure. It covers topics such as authentication, remote backends, ARM templates, Azure CLI execution, and Terraform configuration generation for an existing infrastructure.
Chapter 7, Deep Diving into Terraform, discusses topics that go further with Terraform, such as the execution of Terraform configuration tests, zero-downtime deployment, Terraform wrappers with Terragrunt, and the implementation of CI/CD pipelines to execute Terraform configurations.
Chapter 8, Using Terraform Cloud to Improve Collaboration, explains the use of Terraform Cloud to run Terraform in a team with the sharing of Terraform modules in a private registry, the use of remote backends for Terraform state, running Terraform remotely, and writing compliance tests with Sentinel.