Defining design
When considering the development of any System, there are three concepts that may be considered in the early Stages of the Life Cycle:
- Understanding the Need: This involves identifying the Needs of the System, such as the Goals, Capabilities, and Requirements of the System. This was covered in Chapter 6, Needs and Requirements. This is typically carried out in the Concept Stage of the ISO 15288 Life Cycle.
- Understanding the problem: This involves analyzing the Needs of the System in order to understand the problem or problem domain. In Systems Engineering, this is addressed by context modeling and scenario modeling, which were also discussed in Chapter 6, Needs and Requirements. This is typically carried out in the Concept Stage of the ISO 15288 Life Cycle.
- Understanding the solution: This is concerned with solving the problem that arises as a result of understanding the System Needs. This is typically carried out in the Development Stage of...