Quantum computing in the cloud
Like any other technology, public cloud providers facilitate easy access to QC. Procuring quantum computers is very costly, and it's still at the very initial stage where you may not see a return on your investment in the near term. But you don't want to miss the bus; you want to get your foot in the door with this upcoming technology that has the potential to change the world as we see it today. The public cloud is the perfect place to access quantum computers and try out your use case.
Amazon Web Services provides a QC service called Amazon Braket. AWS doesn't have quantum computers, but they provide access to other gate-based and annealing-based quantum computers through their platform. AWS provides access to D-Wave's Advantage and 2,000 qubit computers, IonQ, and Rigetti quantum computers through their Braket platform. Amazon Braket provides a hardware-agnostic quantum platform with scalable circuit simulators in the AWS Cloud...