Leveraging external expertise

Did you hear the one about the lone genius in his garage who took the AppExchange by storm? Me neither. And that’s because, while we often glorify the individual achiever, the real heroes of AppExchange are the orchestrators, the maestros who bring together a symphony of external talents.
Navigating the ever-shifting sands of AppExchange isn’t a solitary walk in the park. It’s more like a group hike up Mount Everest but with fewer frostbites and more API calls. To truly make your mark as an ISV partner, you can’t just rely on what’s inside the four walls of your organization.
Leveraging external expertise is at the core of AppExchange’s life. It provides specialized skills that you might not have even known existed (did someone say “cloud-based juggling integration expert?”), innovative strategies that are outside your current playbook, and diverse perspectives that challenge the...