Exploring Windows host and Pod resource management
In Chapter 1, Windows Container 101, we learned how Windows Server implements resource management on Windows containers and how the Host Computer Service (HCS) governs these resources.
In Kubernetes, you can specify how many resources (memory, RAM, and CPU) a Pod can request and be limited to before it gets scheduled to a host. kube-scheduler is responsible for using the request/limit information in order to decide which node to schedule the Pod on.
We learned that the Windows Server OS is entirely different from Linux, thus changing the behavior of how a Windows Pod performs and allocates memory and CPU per Pod. I often see customers overlooking Amazon EC2 Windows node capacity planning and usually only figuring out they could have done better when the problem has already happened. The beauty of the cloud is that it allows quick changes, but imagine if it did not do so.
However, understanding how resource management works...