Raspberry Pi and Khan Academy
In this task, we will review an example that enables working on math exercises from Khan Academy (https://www.khanacademy.org/). Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization that provides free learning resources for various subjects, including math and computer science. In this example, we will host a simple web server on a Raspberry Pi that hosts the exercises from Khan Academy locally. This enables customization of the learning tools to the user's needs. For example, it can be hosted on a network that is not connected to the Internet and we can customize content from Khan Academy to help someone improve on their math skills.
The first step is to clone the repository on a Raspberry
git clone https://github.com/Khan/khan-exercises
Once the repository is cloned, it is time to launch the web server!
The exercises are distributed under a non-commercial license while the web server framework is distributed under an MIT license. You must be aware...