Configuring alerting
By default, Rundeck provides the notification
plugin for each job that will be created.
At the time of writing, five conditions can trigger notifications:
: The job started.-onsuccess
: The job completed without error.-onfailure
: The job failed or was aborted.-onavgduration
: The execution exceeded the average duration of the job.-onretryablefailure
: The job failed but will be retried.
By default, Rundeck sends a notification that includes the global logging attachment and the status for each step (this is a lot of information).
However, several channels are available even with the free version. This means we can configure a notification very quickly via email, webhook, or Slack:
Figure 13.28 – Rundeck notification configuration
In addition, if we use a log management solution based on Elasticsearch, Rundeck makes a plugin available that's in charge of forwarding all Rundeck execution...