Chapter 5. Tools, Newsletters, Extra Income, and Statistics
In this chapter we will cover as many PrestaShop features as possible. As I mentioned earlier, there is so much to PrestaShop. This is an attempt to bring the best of it to your attention.
First we will explore the Preferences and Advanced Parameters tabs and then go on to some more great stuff like newsletters and product notifications. Then we will look at Google AdSense. This is a way of making extra income through advertisers with just a couple of clicks.
Then we will take our first look at statistics. I would say our first look because we will just introduce the concept and set them up. In Chapter 9, Go… To the Future, we will see how to start using the statistics you gather. We will set up the fabulously rich PrestaShop statistics features and the free-to-use Google Analytics.
In this chapter, we are going to:
Look at the most useful things on the Preferences tab
Explore the best stuff on the Advanced Parameters tab
Set up...