Calling a secured service from OSB
In this recipe, we will call a secured web service by adding an OWSM client policy to a business service. For this we create a new business service that uses the WSDL of our previous recipe. This WSDL contains the OWSM server policy.
Getting ready
For this we will use a simple OSB project with one proxy. Import the getting-ready
project into Eclipse OEPE from \chapter-11\getting-ready\calling-a-secured-service-form-OSB
. Make sure that the solution from the Securing a proxy service using username and password authentication through OWSM recipe is deployed to the OSB server.
How to do it...
Open the WSDL of the secured proxy service and check whether the WSDL contains some WS-Security policies. In Eclipse OEPE, perform the following steps:
Expand the
folder of the calling-a-secured-service-from-osb project.Double-click on the CustomerManagement.wsdl. This is the WSDL consumed from the service provider.
Check that the WSDL has a wsp:Policy element.
Also check...