Setting the OC4J settings and project properties
OC4J stands for Oracle AS Containers for Java EE. It is essentially a lighter version of the Oracle Application Server, and it allows us to run our OAF pages locally on our PC. We will now configure our OC4J settings and set the runtime properties of each of our tutorial projects.
How to do it...
To test our configuration, perform the following:
Open JDeveloper.
Check the OC4J Settings in Tools | Embedded OC4J Preferences | Global | Startup.
Check if the Host Name or IP Address Used to Refer to Embedded OC4J is set to Default Local IP Address, as shown in the following screenshot:
Click on File | Open from the menu.
Open the toolbox workspace from
.Set the following project settings for each of the tutorials:
To set the Tutorial
runtime properties first, perform the following steps:
Right-click on Applications | toolbox | Tutorial.