The Whats and Whys of Open Source
When I’ve explained open source to people who aren’t in tech or related areas, I often find myself in a conversation that goes something like this:
Person: “So what is this open source thing?”
Me: “It basically is a way that multiple people and organizations can collaborate on building software out in the open.”
Person: “So, it’s free?”
Me: “I mean yes, but there are licenses involved that set the terms of reuse.”
Person: “Is this stuff valuable? If it was, wouldn’t someone sell it?”
Me: “Well, yeah, it is, but it’s often the software that is a base technology that people would build a product from. Or it’s something enough people feel strongly about being out there in the open for anyone to use.”
Person: “Okay, so people get paid to build this software?”
Me: “Often, yes, but sometimes...