Day 21 – grouping, categorizing, and prioritizing your list of dreams
On day 17 you created a list of dreams for yourself. You have done your homework. You know who you are and what you want. Now it is time to take what you have done and put your work into a structure that will enable you to live your dreams and enjoy the future you so desire.
Next, you need to place all similar dreams together, or group them with a name that would categorize those dreams and desires. Grouping and categorizing will make it easier for you to prioritize. This is the first step to making your life and organizational plan, a reality.
You, too, will soon realize that most of your category dreams are linked to each other. By numbering each dream in order of priority, the auctioning of a dream would then lead to the accomplishment of another dream in the same or different category. As I started to number my dreams, a plan became evident (hence, prioritizing).
Now, I would like you to go back to your dreams listed...