When the graphs in the output files need to be printed on paper, the quality of the printout is important. A detailed explanation of photo shopping is beyond the scope of this book, but here we will cover enough to understand the parameters available while saving the figure that influences the quality of the printout.
The quality of the printout depends on the number of pixels in the image (of the figure saved), the size of the page of the paper on which it is to be printed, and the printer resolution.
The number of pixels in the image, in general, is dependent on the resolution of the camera, such as 5 MP, 7 MP, 10 MP, and so on. The size of the paper is controlled with a setting called Pixels Per Inch (PPI). A pixel is the smallest measurable element of the image, and is a tiny small square shape. If we have a 600 x 400 pixel image, and use 100 PPI...