GameObjects and components
In Unity, every object in your scene will be a GameObject
. A GameObject
in itself isn't much other than a container for holding a list of Components
. Components
are the individual properties that make a GameObject
unique. When a GameObject
is selected, you can view each of its Components
from its Inspector.
The most basic GameObject is an empty GameObject, which will contain no components other than a Transform
. The Transform
component is essential to each GameObject, as it allows it to have a physical location, rotation, and scale in the scene, as shown in the following screenshot:

You can create other types of GameObjects by selecting from a list of possible GameObject, starting with and empty one and adding individual components, or adding components to a provided GameObject.
Since we are working in 2D, the majority of our GameObjects will be a Sprite GameObject.
Sprite GameObjects
To create a Sprite GameObject, select Create | 2D Object | Sprite, as shown...