MongoDB from Visual Studio
You can find plenty of drivers for MongoDB directly on the MongoDB official site, including several versions for the C# language, which currently stands for version 2.2.3. This driver provides support for the version of MongoDB I'm using in this book (v. 3.2).
Actually, this version was created and tested in Visual Studio 2015, so that's another reason to use it here. You can find a whole page with explanations, links to other resources, videos, articles, community supported tools, presentations, and so on at the address. This driver is the officially supported driver for MongoDB.
First demo: a simple query from Visual Studio
There are several approaches for driver's installation, but you can install it using NuGet from Visual Studio, so we'll start by building a new Console project (ConsoleMongo1), and after that, select the NuGet Window interactive. Once there, typing MongoDB
will show a bunch of libraries, including...