Ethereum virtual machine
The EVM is a simple stack-based execution machine that runs bytecode instructions to transform the system state from one state to another. The word size of the EVM is set to 256 bits. The stack size is limited to 1,024 elements and is based on the Last In, First Out (LIFO) queue. The EVM is a Turing-complete machine but is limited by the amount of gas that is required to run any instruction. This means that infinite loops that can result in denial-of-service attacks are not possible due to gas requirements.
The EVM also supports exception handling should exceptions occur, such as not having enough gas or providing invalid instructions, in which case the machine would immediately halt and return the error to the executing agent.
The EVM is an entirely isolated and sandboxed runtime environment. The code that runs on the EVM does not have access to any external resources such as a network or filesystem. This results in increased security, deterministic...