Creating an interactive homepage for a course group
members of course groups have many more restrictions than members of a standard group. For one, they cannot create or edit pages. By default, they cannot create folders, or upload files (though that can be edited); they can post to a forum but not moderate posts in the forum. Nevertheless, there are ways they can collaborate and communicate with each other in the group, developing a sense of cohesion and belonging, and there are ways in which we can set permissions that will further facilitate this. In this recipe, we will begin by setting file permissions to allow for sharing, and then we will create a homepage that fosters community. The permission settings for files can be a little tricky, so we'll examine them closely in the How it works section.
Getting ready
Create your course group and add the members.
How to do it...
1. Go to groups, then My groups, and then click the group you wish to open.
2. Now you will be at the group's homepage...