The LinkedList<T> collection
A linked list is a linear data structure that consists of a group of nodes where each node contains data as well as the address of one or more nodes. There are four types of linked list, as described here:
- Singly Linked List: This contains nodes that store a value and a reference to the next node in the sequence of nodes. The reference to the next node of the last node will point to null.
- Doubly Linked List: Here, each node contains two links – the first link points to the previous node and the next link points to the next node in the sequence. The reference to the previous node of the first node and the reference to the next node of the last node will point to null.
- Circular Singly Linked List: The reference to the next node of the last node will point to the first node, thus forming a circular chain.
- Doubly Circular Linked List: In this type of linked list, the reference to the next node of the last node will point to...