Chapter 1, Building Your Own Kubernetes Cluster, explains how to build your own Kubernetes cluster with various deployment tools and run your first container on it.
Chapter 2, Walking through Kubernetes Concepts, covers both basic and advanced concepts we need to know about Kubernetes. Then, you will learn how to combine them to create Kubernetes objects by writing and applying configuration files.
Chapter 3, Playing with Containers, explains how to scale your containers up and down and perform rolling updates without affecting application availability. Furthermore, you will learn how deploy containers for dealing with different application workloads. It will also walk you through best practices of configuration files.
Chapter 4, Building High-Availability Clusters, provides information on how to build High Availability Kubernetes master and etcd. This will prevent Kubernetes components from being the single point of failure.
Chapter 5, Building Continuous Delivery Pipelines, talks about how to integrate Kubernetes into an existing Continuous Delivery pipeline with Jenkins and private Docker registry.
Chapter 6, Building Kubernetes on AWS, walks you through AWS fundamentals. You will learn how to build a Kuberentes cluster on AWS in few minutes.
Chapter 7, Building Kubernetes on GCP, leads you to the Google Cloud Platform world. You will learn the GCP essentials and how to launch a managed, production-ready Kubernetes cluster with just a few clicks.
Chapter 8, Advanced Cluster Administration, talks about important resource management in Kubernetes. This chapter also goes through other important cluster administration, such as Kubernetes dashboard, authentication, and authorization.
Chapter 9, Logging and Monitoring, explains how to collect both system and application logs in Kubernetes by using Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK). You will also learn how to leverage Heapster, InfluxDB, and Grafana to monitor your Kubernetes cluster.