The Google Cloud Conversation API
The Google Cloud Conversation API provides a way to have interactive natural language AI conversations. It has three aspects: Cloud Dialogflow, Cloud Text-to-Speech, and Cloud Speech-to-Text:
- Dialogflow provides a natural language understanding platform where you can design and integrate a conversational user interface.
- Text-to-Speech converts text input into audio data of natural human speech.
- Speech-to-Text converts audio or speech inputs to texts.
Google Cloud Dialogflow allows you to build virtual agents and chatbots. Dialogflow analyzes text or audio inputs and responds using text or speech.
Intents are at the core of Dialogflow. An intent categorizes an end user’s intention. When a user adds an inputs, Dialogflow does intent classification by using training phrases – examples of what the end users may actually say – to train the model, and the training results are the mapping of the phrases to intents...