Typography for your Joomla! print stylesheet
One of the most obvious aspects that we can change for our website's print stylesheet is the typography used. Although "sans-serif" fonts are typically easier to read on screen, it's often easier to read printed material in a "serif" font.
Getting ready
Open the print.css
stylesheet that you created in an earlier recipe, located in the templates\rhuk_milkyway\css\
directory of your Joomla! installation.
How to do it...
You can specify a font stack (that is, a hierarchy of type) that applies to your Joomla! template's print stylesheet with the font-family
attribute in CSS:
body { background: #FFF; color: #000; font-family: "georgia", "times new roman", "times", serif; font-size: 12pt; }
It may also be a good idea to reset the font-size
to a larger size for your print stylesheet to help legibility once the page has been printed. If you now view a page of your Joomla! website ready for print (for example, by using Firefox's Web Developer add-on),...