Comparing your template across different browsers
Given the seemingly endless number of versions of browsers, getting your design to work cross-browser can be a daunting task. There are a number of common bugs that can be fixed or prevented with relative ease, and they are presented in the following sections.
Getting ready
Consider using a remote access service to test your Joomla! template cross-browser—BrowserCam and BrowserShots are two options. They provide a more convenient approach to cross-browser testing than installing every browser version on your computer!
BrowserCam ( is a cross-browser compatibility testing tool.

BrowserCam is a paid-for service, though you may be able to access a free 24 hour trial.
BrowserShots ( provides a service similar to that of BrowserCam, free of charge.

How to do it...
Simply enter the URL of your Joomla! website into the text field and wait for your screenshots to be provided...