Troubleshooting notifications
Often, when people do not receive notifications from JIRA, it can be difficult and frustrating to find the cause. The two most common causes for notification-related problems are either outgoing mail server connectivity or misconfiguration of the notification scheme.
Troubleshooting outgoing mail server problems is quite simple. All you have to do is try to send out a test e-mails as described in the earlier section. If you receive your test e-mail, then there should be no problems with your outgoing mail server configuration, and you can focus on your notification configurations.
Troubleshooting notifications is not as straightforward, since there are a number of things that you will need to consider. To help with this challenge, JIRA 5 has introduced a new feature called the Notification Helper. The notification helper can save the JIRA administrators' time by helping them to pinpoint why a given user does or does not receive notifications. All the administrator...