Getting weather data from Yahoo
For the first project in this chapter, we are actually going to learn how to grab weather data from the Yahoo Weather service. We'll see that it is really easy thanks to Temboo:
First, go to the following URL:
As it's your first time using Temboo, you will need to create a new "shield" for the Temboo service. Don't worry, I know we are not using an Arduino shield here; at the time this book was written, Temboo just didn't support the ESP8266 Wi-Fi chip.
The best we can do is to select the Wi-Fi shield for Arduino, which is very close in terms of software. Inside the same screen, also enter your own Wi-Fi network SSID and password:
This will allow you to not have to re-enter those parameters every time. You should now see your newly created shield on the same page:
Now, we are going to see how to automatically generate the code for our project. We'll then just need to slightly modify it for our...