Once the feature is complete it is time to push it out to the users. This should be also treated as a mini project to be managed. A lot of investment has gone into the feature and it is important to roll it out correctly, and ensure that all users are successfully using the feature.
Tasks to consider for the deployment are:
Installation of the new integration feature
Bringing users live
Ongoing evaluation
Installing the new integration feature
If you have implemented the integration feature on a copy of the live system, it will need to be installed on the live system. The installation should be done outside of office hours, so that there is no user downtime.
After the installation has been completed there should be some light re-testing carried out to make sure that it working as designed.
At this point you could consider asking one user to use the system for real, and give feedback. This is a good way to discover any unintended glitches in the development. When picking a user, try to...