Designing record layouts
We said that data is the core of any business, thus displaying data is equally important for the success of your CRM implementation.
Your users will likely spend most of their time browsing Salesforce records, so designing proper record layouts is key to enhancing their daily work.
Let's explain how we can customize page layouts to help our users to get the right data in the right place at the right time.
Showing the right amount of data
You can control fields' visibility in the following ways:
At the layout level, including or not including a field in a layout
At the profile level (using both profiles or permission sets), using the Field-Level Security (FLS) options (granting access to a field or not)
At the profile level, assigning a specific layout to any profile
Remember that even if a user is assigned a record layout that shows a given field but, due to FLS configuration, they haven't access to the field, the...