Tia Hopkins' final thoughts and advice
You made it to the end of the book! Nice! There's no greater investment than the investments you make in yourself. I'm sure Ken and Chris will give you some incredible tips and words of encouragement to take with you, so I'm going to do my best to keep up with them by leaving a few of my personal mottos and beliefs I'm hoping will help you throughout your cybersecurity career journey.
First, know your why. Before you go down the path of investing in education and certification training, go back to step zero and ask yourself, Why am I here?, Why do I even want to pursue a career in cybersecurity?, and Am I sure this is where I want to be and not just a career someone told me would be good to pursue?
Cybersecurity careers can be incredibly rewarding, but I won't pretend for a second that it's easy. Knowing your why will continue to guide you, balance you, keep you sane when things get hard (and they absolutely...