Apart from painting with textures, GROME can use decals to apply spot graphics such as helipads or scorched earth. Decals are individual objects that project images down onto a surface. While individual game engines might support some kind of decal system, they will not translate. It's not possible to bake decal objects into a texture prior to export but as objects they can be exported. However; the onus is on the end user and the host engine to load and handle them. We'll have a quick look at the Decal tool.
Before creating any decals you must (as with all other tools) create a Decal layer on the layer stack then assign at least one terrain zone to the new layer. When you click on Assign to selection the New Decal Layer dialog appears. This is shown in the following screenshot:

Decals are treated as individual objects you can position with the mouse. They lay flat with the terrain but they are made from triangular meshes that are updated with terrain height information when you edit...