Working with lists
Lists are the core data type in Cypher and because of this, there is extensive support for lists in Cypher. Lists hold elements in a sequence so that we can iterate the list in any order. They can hold any type of value. All of the elements in a list can be of the same type: whether integer, string, map, or list. It is also possible to mix and match different types in the same list.
We will take a look at different aspects of lists, such as using them as input and building lists for output or intermediate processing, along with using various built-in functions to process lists in this section.
Working with basic list capabilities
Cypher lists can be used to hold any type of data, including integers, strings, and so on. They hold the data in sequence like an array but are not limited to a single type. We can use indexing to access content or leverage built-in functions from Cypher to access data.
Let’s take a look at an example:
WITH [1,2,3,4...