Using Assisted Drawing Tools
Sometimes your artwork requires you to draw within constraints with accuracy. This could mean drawing perfectly straight lines, following a perspective grid, and so on. To help you with these requirements, Procreate has a feature called Drawing Assist.
There are a variety of assisted drawing tools, called drawing guides, available for different purposes. With drawing guides, you can easily draw geometrically accurate drawings such as squared grids and isometric diagrams. You can also follow a realistic perspective or draw perfectly symmetrical drawings. We will cover all of them in depth in this chapter.
We’re going to cover the following broad topics here:
- Using the Drawing Assist interface
- Drawing squared grids with 2D Grid
- Drawing technical graphics with the Isometric Grid
- Realistic drawing with Perspective Guides
- Symmetrical drawing with Symmetry Guides
By the end of this chapter, you will have learned about...