Exercise 1.01 – creating an Unreal Engine 5 project
In this first exercise, we will learn how to create a new UE5 project. UE5 has predefined project templates that allow you to implement a basic setup for your project. We’ll be using the Third Person template project in this exercise.
Follow these steps to complete this exercise:
- After installing Unreal Engine version 5.0, launch the editor by clicking the Launch button next to the version icon.
- After you’ve done that, you’ll be greeted with the engine’s Projects window, which will show you the existing projects that you can open and work on. It will also give you the option to create a new project. Because we have no projects yet, the Recent Projects section will be empty. To create a new project, choose a Project Category option, which in our case will be Games. Then, click Next.
- After that, you’ll see the Project Templates window. This window will show all the available...