How the Cyber Kill Chain has evolved
The cyber kill chain has evolved over time. The cyber kill chain model was first released in the year 2011. Since then, the kill chain model has evolved tremendously. The main reason for the big changes in the kill chain is the rapid evolution of the attackers and attack methodologies. Attackers are continually evolving their methods of attack. Since the kill chain is based on the methodologies used by attackers, it is also bound to evolve to accommodate the changes in the threat actors’ methods and abilities.
At its inception, the cyber kill chain was very predictable with the step-by-step stages clearly defined and the activities in each of the stages clearly outlined. However, in recent periods, the kill chain has become far less predictable owing largely to the unpredictability of attacks. Attackers, in their efforts to become harder to stop, have been known to combine some of the steps of the attack. This means that the kill chain...