Shared variables
Years ago the most popular framework for ColdFusion was called Fusebox. The ColdFusion world , created a shared-scope variable used to package both URL/get and form/post variables to a common scope. The common scope they chose was attributes. The benefit was that calls to this page could either come in via URL, or from the form with the code inside the application not needing to know anything. By dealing with the common scope, the same code could respond to either form or URL variables as the same scope.
Another use for shared variables is managing variables that are common within a controller from one event to the next. In COOP, we share the attributes, scope as a common variable inside the coprocessor in both a regular page request, as well as within the remote web service style request. This variable in the COOP coprocessor is VARIABLES.attributes
. When performing a remote request to the coprocessor, it is generally considered best practice to use the argument scope for...