Chapter 4. Windows App Development with Code::Blocks
In the previous chapters, focus of our app development was on console based app. This is also known as text only app as console based apps can only display text and ASCII art. However, our focus in this chapter will be on app development for Windows.
Windows is one of the most widely used operating systems around the world. Code::Blocks can be used to develop apps for Windows, Linux, or Mac. Keeping in view the popularity of the Windows platform we shall restrict our focus to Windows platforms only.
Apps for Windows are also known as GUI (Graphical User Interface) based apps. User interaction with app is done by mouse and keyboard. Notepad app is an example of GUI based apps that come bundled with Windows operating system. The following screenshot displays the Notepad app:

Code::Blocks comes along with all the tools required for Windows app development. Let's develop an app and learn it.