Creating and configuring SQL Warehouses
In this section, we’ll learn how to create or update SQL Warehouses. Specifically, we will learn about the configurations that are associated with SQL Warehouses. We will also learn what each configuration controls and how it contributes to the overall query experience. To begin, navigate to the SQL Warehouses page by clicking on the icon.
Click on the Create SQL Warehouse button to bring up the creation pop-up, like so:
Figure 6.3 – New SQL Warehouse
As you can see, there are four primary decisions to make when creating a SQL Warehouse. Let’s take a look.
Cluster size
When creating a SQL Warehouse, we must select its size. More accurately, we must select the size of the physical clusters that will constitute the SQL Warehouse. Refer to Figure 6.2 to see how multiple physical clusters constitute a SQL Warehouse.
Going forward, we will use the terms SQL Warehouse size and cluster...