Supporting your team's performance
Even if you have self-directed and self-managed teams similar to those you might find on an Agile team, it is still important to coach, guide, and otherwise support your team's efforts while tracking their performance. Since the majority of the exam is based on colocated teams, it does make it a bit easier to do that in the context of questions. However, it may be one of the more difficult aspects of project management due to the many personalities, varying skills, and motivation levels of the members of your team. One of the best ways I've found to drive better team performance while considering skills and goal setting is via Management by Objective (MBO).
Peter Drucker's MBO
Peter Drucker was a major influencer of organizational development during his time as a management consultant. In 1954, based on a book he wrote, Drucker created the mnemonic SMART. This might be familiar to you if you have ever attended any management...