In this chapter, we compared Micro:bit with Raspberry Pi Pico W. We learned the history of the Python programming language and MicroPython. We explored various IDEs for MicroPython and ran our first MicroPython program with Micro:bit. We also learned how to upgrade the firmware and restore the out-of-the-box experience. MicroPython is one of the best programming platforms for beginners to work with Micro:bit and similar microcontroller boards, such as Raspberry Pi Pico W. All the demonstrations in the coming chapters of this book will use MicroPython.
In the next chapter, we will explore the basics of Python programming with MicroPython and Micro:bit in depth. The chapter will be heavy with hands-on Python programming. Readers who have never programmed with Python before will learn a lot, and experienced Python readers will also be able to refresh their understanding of the Python programming basics.