We started this chapter by discussing whether TA and TDD are synonyms. Where TDD makes use of test automation, it's evidently not a synonym of test automation but a very powerful means to get test automation in place. TDD leads you step by step from a test list, reflecting the requirements, through coded tests to application code. The so-called red-green-refactor mantra describes these steps. We pointed out that TDD is also about taking small steps to get tests passing efficiently and effectively, by making use of the three modes of TDD: fake it, obvious implementation, and triangulation. After this introduction to TDD, we shed our light on using TDD in Business Central concluding, based on arguments and an example, that TDD indeed can be used in this context even though a number of hurdles might have to be crossed.
With this chapter, we conclude the first section of this book, in which we introduced you to test automation in general and the specific methodology called...