Dataset optimization and control
At one point, a manager or customer will inevitably ask an AI expert about the exact data required for an ML project, and in which format it's needed. Providing an answer will take some hard thinking and work.
One might wonder why the data is not open, like when we download ready-to-use datasets to learn AI algorithms. In corporate life, there are security rules and processes. Often the data required is on one or more servers. You will not be granted permission to do anything you want. You will have to specify your needs and requests. Obtaining data in the way required for AI comes at a cost for a corporation. You will have to justify your requests.
Start by properly designing the dataset and choosing the right ML model. The dataset and ML model will fit the fundamental requirement to optimize AGV distances. Each AGV in a given warehouse must reduce the distance it takes to go from a pier (where boats might drop off...