You have purchased your first Arduino, and now you're wondering what project to build with it. There are hundreds of websites with an assortment of electronic gadgets and devices to build, but the search and choosing the first project can be overwhelming. Besides building awesome Arduino gadgets, some of the website projects leave out how the electronics and code work with a programmable prototyping platform. Also, the projects found on the Web don't provide additional challenges to test your new Maker skills as well.
The Arduino Electronics Blueprints book was written to address the concerns mentioned in a user friendly and educational format. Every chapter in the book starts off with either a historical reference to electronic discoveries or a brief discussion of present technologies used in contemporary consumer, entertainment, or industrial products. The book was designed to show how to build awesome electronic devices using parts found in laboratory bins or junk boxes. Also, new prototyping materials such as littleBits electronic modules and Elenco SNAP circuit kits are introduced to readers as well. The new and exciting prototyping materials presented allow us to rapidly build the target Arduino device discussed in some of the book's chapters. To aid readers in building the fun Arduino projects, a Parts list of electronic components is included in each chapter of the book. Detailed circuit schematic and wiring diagrams and Arduino code are provided in each chapter. Also, basic circuit theory and Arduino code explanations are provided in each project chapter as well. To conclude the chapter, a DIY challenge is presented, so readers may explore additional prototyping topics in new product designs of their own. I enjoyed designing, building, and testing each chapter's project and hope readers of the Arduino Electronics Blueprints book will find the projects to be fun and entertaining as well.