Prioritizing user research
In Chapter 5, Growth for API Products, you learned how to identify the target audience and how to segment your target market. Once you’ve chosen a market based on a high-level strategy, the next step is to dig deeper into that market and start doing user research to learn more about all the user personas in that market.
User research is a close partner team for all Product Managers (PMs). When building API products, you can start by first learning who your customers are. You can do this by establishing customer personas and mapping the customer journey for each of these personas. A developer’s journey is a map of sequential steps across all your documentation, tools, and marketing channels, such as blogs, videos, and others, that your customers use to learn about your product offering, assess whether it is a good fit for them, develop and integrate with your APIs, and use the product actively.
The primary users of the APIs you build are...