Chapter 5. Spicing Up Your Blog
In this chapter, you're going to see some ways to spice up your posts with images, sounds, videos, and maps. There is a special section about using Google Maps, inserting YouTube videos, and embedding SlideShare presentations in your weblog's posts. In Chapter 4, How to Start Working with Roller, you learned how to adjust several basic settings for your blog server and your main weblog. You also learned how to create, edit, and publish posts, and how to manage your blogroll as well. Now it's time for you to learn how to add multimedia capabilities to your blog.
Basically, in this chapter we shall:
Upload files (images, sounds, and videos) to your weblog, so that you can use them in your posts
Change the file upload size limit for your weblog server
Include content from Google Maps, YouTube, and SlideShare in your weblog to give your visitors a more pleasant experience
Manage Roller's weblog entry plugins and editor add-ins