Chapter 4: Containerized Microservices Architecture
Microservices-based architecture is one of the most popular architectures to use when developing new products and services. Containerization has enabled us to achieve microservices development and deployment to perfection. .NET Core and .NET 5 support microservices majorly by providing a number of features that are very container aware and are strongly performant in cross-platform scenarios with best-in-class support for Linux-based .NET containerized apps.
In this chapter, we are going to build on the topics that we have learned about .NET features and design patterns in previous chapters, Chapter 1, Introducing .NET 5 Features and Capabilities and Chapter 3, Design and Architectural Patterns. We will make use of new tools and technologies that are available now, along with the .NET 5 echo system.
Therefore, when following this chapter, you should already be aware of .NET Core or .NET 5 and the common design patterns and popular...