TypeScript 3.2 was released yesterday. It is a language that brings static type-checking to JavaScript which enables developers to catch issues even before the code is run. TypeScript 3.2 includes the latest JavaScript features from ECMAScript standard. In addition to type-checking, it provides tooling in editors to jump to variable definitions, find the user of a function, and automate refactorings.
You can install TypeScript 3.2 via NuGet or install via npm as follows:
npm install -g typescript
Now let’s look at the new features in TypeScript 3.2.
TypeScript 3.2 comes with stricter checking for bind, call, and apply.
In JavaScript, bind, call, and apply are methods on functions that allow actions like bind this and partially apply arguments. They also allow you to call functions with a different value for this, and call functions with an array for their arguments.
Earlier, TypeScript didn’t have the power to model these functions. Demand to model these patterns in a type-safe way led the TypeScript developers to revisit this problem. There were two features that opened up the right abstractions to accurately type bind, call, and apply without any hard-coding:
The combination of these two can ensure that the uses of bind, call, and apply are more strictly checked when we use a new flag called strictBindCallApply. When this new flag is used, the methods on callable objects are described by a new global type—CallableFunction. It declares stricter versions of the signatures for bind, call, and apply. Similarly, any methods on constructable (which are not callable) objects are described by a new global type called NewableFunction.
A caveat of this new functionality is that bind, call, and apply can’t yet fully model generic functions or functions having overloads.
JavaScript has a handy way of copying existing properties from an existing object into a new object called “spreads”. To spread an existing object into a new object, an element with three consecutive periods (...) can be defined. TypeScript does well in this area when it has enough information about the type. But it wouldn’t work with generics at all until now.
A new concept in the type system called an “object spread type” could have been used. This would be a new type operator that looks like this: { ...T, ...U } to reflect the syntax of an object spread.
If T and U are known, that type would flatten to some new object type. This approach was complex and required adding new rules to type relationships and inference. After exploring several different avenues, two conclusions arrived:
Intersections model the common cases and they’re relatively easy to reason about for both users and the type system. So now TypeScript 3.2 allows object spreads on generics and models them using intersections.
Object rest patterns are kind of a dual to object spreads. It creates a new object that lacks some specified properties instead of creating a new object with some extra or overridden properties.
TypeScript has supported extending tsconfig.json files by using the extends field for a long time. This feature is useful to avoid duplicating configuration which can easily fall out of sync. It really works best when multiple projects are co-located in the same repository. This way each project can reference a common “base” tsconfig.json.
But some projects are written and published as fully independent packages. Such projects don’t have a common file they can reference. So as a workaround, users could create a separate package and reference that. TypeScript 3.2 resolves tsconfig.jsons from node_modules. TypeScript will dive into node_modules packages when a bare path for the "extends" field in tsconfig.json is used.
The TypeScript compiler, tsc, now supports a new flag called --showConfig. On running tsc --showConfig, TypeScript will calculate the effective tsconfig.json and print it out.
BigInts are a part of an upcoming ECMAScript proposal that allow modeling theoretically arbitrarily large integers. TypeScript 3.2 comes with type-checking for BigInts along with support for emitting BigInt literals when targeting esnext. Support for BigInt in TypeScript introduces a new primitive type called bigint. BigInt support is only available for the esnext target.
When writing in JavaScript files using allowJs, TypeScript 3.2 recognizes declarations that use Object.defineProperty. This means better completions, and stronger type-checking when enabling type-checking in JavaScript files.
A few things have been added in TypeScript 3.2 that will make the language easier to use.
TypeScript now makes narrowing easier by relaxing rules for a discriminant property. The common properties of unions are now considered discriminants as long as they contain some singleton type and contain no generics. For example, a string literal, null, or undefined.
The TypeScript project doesn’t have a compiler/type-checker. The core components of the compiler provide a cross-platform open-source language service that can power smart editor features. These features include go-to-definition, find-all-references, and a number of quick fixes and refactorings.
noImplicitAny is a strict checking mode, and it helps ensure the code is as fully typed as possible. This also leads to a better editing experience.
TypeScript 3.2 produces suggestions for most of the variables and parameters that would have been reported as having implicit any types. TypeScript provides a quick fix to automatically infer the types when an editor reports these suggestions.
There are two smaller quick fixes:
TypeScript 3.2 is smarter in formatting several different constructs.
The logic for resolving JSX invocations has been unified with the logic for resolving function calls. This action has simplified the compiler codebase and improved certain use-cases.
The further TypeScript releases will need Visual Studio 2017 or higher.
For more details, visit the Microsoft Blog.
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