Time for action – using PuTTY to access your Ubuntu server remotely
In this exercise, you'll learn how to access your shiny brand-new Ubuntu server from a remote Windows XP PC, thanks to the popular PuTTY Telnet/SSH client.
Open a web browser window on your desktop PC, go to http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html, scroll down until you locate the putty.exe link under the Binaries section, and click on it.
Once the
file finishes downloading, you can double-click on it to open the PuTTY SSH client.Note
If a Security Warning dialog pops up when double-clicking on the
file, you can safely ignore it and click on the Run button to continue.Type the IP address of your Ubuntu server in the Host Name (or IP address) field of the PuTTY Configuration screen, make sure the SSH option is selected, and click on Open to continue:
The first time you use PuTTY to connect to a remote machine, the PuTTY Security Alert dialog will show up complaining about the server...