Community and cooperation
The forums aren't just for asking about potential bugs. They're also great places to ask questions about how to do something. Try to be specific in your request, indicate how you've tried to solve your problem already, and discuss what you're considering in terms of a possible method for addressing the needs.
A growing way to learn about and share experiences with CiviCRM are local meet-ups. These relatively informal events generally include demonstrations of how people in an area are using CiviCRM, perhaps some technical discussion, and a chance to chat and ask questions. So far, there have been meet-ups in cities around the world, including Berlin, Boston, Bristol, Brussels, Buffalo, Chicago, Dallas, Fort Worth, Dresden, Dublin, Geneva, London, Montreal, Mumbai, New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Taipei, Toronto, Warsaw, and Washington. Check out to see if there is one near you, and consider starting one if there isn't.
The core team and a growing...