I hope you enjoyed this chapter; however, I can understand if some of you found it a bit tedious and difficult to handle. I wanted to focus on the code part of Unreal Engine, but don't worry, the next chapters will be easier and more enjoyable.
Like the other chapters, after my guidance, I will give you some tasks that you should try to implement on your own to improve the final product, as follows:
- Add a door to the enemy spawn point that only allows the enemies to pass through. Use BSP volumes, transparent material, and play with collision preset.
- Create a Level 2. Hint: we didn't see the level transitions so far; therefore, just create another maze near the first one and teleport the player there when he finishes the first one.
- Make the enemies smarter. Play with the MoveToLocation button and the player position.
- Improve the HUD. Try to also show how many collectables need to be founded or the countdown till the enemies respawn.
- Add a score, use your imagination. A score...